Sunday, February 8, 2009

Christmas Highlights

December was a fun month for us. It was one of the best years ever for Christmas. It was so fun to watch all of our kids be so excited about Santa coming.

Note: Make sure you explain to your five year old that Santa comes on Christmas Eve, not the same night you put up your tree. That way they are not disappointed the next day and think Santa forgot them. Oops.

We love having five pitches on our house. When we put the Christmas lights up, it makes it feel like we are living in a gingerbread house. . . and THAT makes it worth it to the one who had to climb the tall ladder to put them up (even though she is terrified of heights.)

Christmas Eve was filled with the traditional festivities including spending the evening with the Cranors. Some of the highlights were food (delicious), games, toys, musical numbers(little Erin, Lauren, Erin, Jared), poetry readings (Bud), and three terrible twos (Logan, Thomas and Tylee). All-in-all, it was most delightful!

Christmas Day was FANTASTIC! Santa left his bag of toys! I guess he was in such a hurry to get to all of the kids, he had no time to unpack. The kids thought it was awesome!

Todd and Trevor were delighted to get Nintendo DS's along with several games. Unfortunately, mom was addicted to Super Mario Brothers, so they had to share. :-)
For Thomas, Santa brought a helicopter. At one time, the blades went around when you pressed a button. That worked for about a day, or maybe it was an hour, I forget.

(Notice in his picture the big blue wad of gum? Yea, thanks Santa for giving each of our children their very own package of gum. Don't be surprised when we leave you some carpet cleaner solution next year instead of cookies so you can get that gum out of our carpet. :-) Love ya Santa! )

Our sweet Tylee got a doll accessory kit to go with her twin cabbage patch kids she got last year. Her cousin Tanner gave her another set of twins! Talk about wonder woman. . . You'll see a picture in a later post of what I'm referring to.
Apparently being a mother of twins is exhausting. . .(I second that!)